The Three Mantras of problem-solving.

Nausheen Fatima
1 min readJun 17, 2021

How would you like to make changes in your life? by just sitting and crying over the situation or by taking realistic actions. I have three mantras for this problem.


Now we are going to learn how to put these mantras in your life-

I am sitting here looking at my painting as I write this. To come up with new ideas in painting design, all we have to do is look at the elements that are there and ask three things. What can we add, what can we subtract, and what can we change?

wouldn’t you love it, if your wallet is filled with money?
wouldn’t you love it, if you have an organized closet?

The answer to both these questions is Add-Subtract-Change.
Add- spending carefully, motivational techniques, caffeine.
Subtract- Distractions, unrealistic goals, uncomfortable clothing, spending uselessly.
Change- Location, time of day, type of job, time management.

The key is to look at as many aspects of the current situation as you can identify and to let your mind answer the three questions for each one. Taking notes is a good idea too, but write down everything. Don’t stifle your mind — the time to pick out the useable ideas is later.

There are dozens of good creative problem-solving techniques you can use. Some will work better for you, some worse, but one way to solve problems effectively is to use more than one technique. Why not add this one to your arsenal?



Nausheen Fatima

A Budding writer , Graphic designer , Adventure seeking...